Space (or to give it a more technical name, 'The Universe' ) is big. Really Big. It's also full of really surprising things.... Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The internet is also big. Really big. And it's growing all the time.
It's a phenomenon unprecedented in human history because
it allows practically anyone, anywhere, to create their own little
place in cyberspace and publish to their hearts' content.
Is it a modern Great Library of Alexandria being created by a
billion minds, or just a great big chaos of confusing information?
How do you find quality information online? How can you assess whether what you find is quality or not? We invited Zardoz,
the search expert from Dr Karl's Self-Service-Science forum, to put together this collection of tips and tricks.
What are Search Engines?
The Internet is a distributed computer network. Its content is contained on the hard drives of millions of computers which share a standard computer language to communicate with each other. The content on the hard drives of these millions of computers can change at any time. There is no central repository which keeps track of every single page of every single computer on the network.
Instead we have Search Engines. These actively trawl the internet, reading and categorising web-sites and individual webpages, and indexing them into giant databases. All search engines work by cross-referencing your enquiry with the database of knowledge they have accumulated. Different search engines trawl and index in different ways and have different collections of the total content available online, so if you can't find what you are looking for with one, try another. The Lab's Search page has a collection of search forms for a number of different engines on the one page.
Besides the global search engines, there are also specialty search engines which focus in certain areas such as news groups, shopping, travel, medical, and so forth.
There are also search engines that are attached to individual sites, such as ABC Online. These engines are designed to ONLY look within the specific web site. They also have their place.
Most search engines look like this. A simple box.
The trick in searching is all about how to use this box in a way that will find what you are looking for. It is really all common sense once you know how.
Boolean Logic?
Boolean logic is simple and consists of the three following logical operators,
Search for dog AND cat
Search for dog OR cat
Search for dog NOT cat
Most database searching is based on the principles of Boolean logic. Boolean logic refers to the logical relationship among search terms, and is named after the British mathematician George Boole.
Example 1
Say we want to look-up Rugby Union information but NOT anything to do with the Citibank cup.
If we search for
the search comes back with Rugby Union sites from all over the world. Most search engines assume we mean AND between any two words, and some will also go on to look for OR between the two words. So the above search will report a huge number of sites.
Most search engines will list all of the pages that have both words first, then all of the pages that contain either one of the words. This makes for a very big list.
One way to narrow the search would be to put quotation marks on either side of the phrase "Rugby Union". That way we'll only get the pages which contain that EXACT phrase, instead of pages that contain one or other of the words as well.
But we'll still get sites from the entire world. What we really want is Rugby Union information in Australia.
Ok, let's narrow the search down to Australia. The easiest way to do this is to include , .au, since almost all Australian website addresses end in .au. (The comma is not always necessary, but it helps the search engine separate the terms you are requesting).
Ok, now we've narrowed the search down to just Australia. The next step is to tell the search engine to discard all the files containing the word Citibank.
For some reason the Boolean NOT doesn't seem to work in most search engines.
Will actually highlight Rugby Union Pages with Citibank, exactly what we are not looking for.
Instead of NOT, use the minus sign - as a shorthand for NOT.
That's better!
Example 2
Now let's say we wanted to find details of a story we heard on the ABC about Murphy's Law.
If you search for
You'll discover that "Murphy's Law" is a very common expression and used in all sorts of TV and radio programs.
We need to be more specific. Let's say we heard it on the radio.
This narrows the search down quite a bit, but if we add a third term we can narrow the search right down. (I remember where I heard it now!)
Example 3
Say we have a sample question.
Quinine stops people from getting malaria but is it by stopping the mosquitoes or the malaria?
Do a search in Google on quinine and you get over 50,000 pages. However if I was going to ask an online doctor about Quinine. How would I phrase the question?
How does Quinine… yadda yadda yadda
So let's search on that exact phrase...
You get a handful of pages instead, most of those are bang on target.
Looking for Pictures
Douglas Adams with his answer to life, the universe and everything.
Image by Jill Furmanovsky courtesy of
Some search engines can be used to help you find pictures and images. However, keep in mind that most pictures and images have a copyright owner, and copyright is not lost just because an image or picture in on the net. If you intend to use an image for anything other than a private purpose, you will need to contact the copyright owner for permission to reproduce it.
Google has an excellent picture search function. You can use exactly the same seach methods as for ordinary content.
How reliable is this information I have found on the Internet?
Things to look for:
What TYPE of site?
Government sites: look for .gov, .mil, .au, or another country code
Educational sites: look for .edu or another country code
Non-profit organisations: look for .org
Who PUBLISHED the page?
In general, the publisher is the agency or person operating the "server" computer from which the document is issued. The server is usually named in the first portion of the URL (between http:// and the first /) (The Server here is ABC)
Is it somebody's PERSONAL page or is the server a COMMERCIAL ISP or OTHER PROVIDER of web page hosting (like or
Look for a personal name (e.g., jbarker or barker) following a tilde ( ~ ) or the word users or people.
Who wrote the page?
Look for a name and e-mail. Often at the bottom of the page, or in a section called something like About us or Contact us.
It is usually not the same person as the webmaster or page designer (except in personal pages). This person is a technician or may have been hired to put the content on the web.
Are the author's credentials provided? Does this person seem to be a reliable authority on the subject? Look all over (top, bottom, side bars, etc.) for a link to an About us or Biography section, a Philosophy, etc.? Or try the Home Page.
Is it up to date information?
Undated factual or statistical information is no better than anonymous information. Don't use it.
When was the page updated last? Can you tell how much was updated? Is this important for the timeliness of what you want to know? (Look at the bottom of the page, usually. ) Individual pages may be updated at different times; look at more than one.
Is information cited authentic?
Standards for footnoting and citing where people obtained information (and when) are very lax on the Web, much less exacting that in most print publications.
If the page claims to be from an established newspaper, journal, organisation, institution, agency, is it the real one? Check if the domain name corresponds to the source. Most companies and institutions own their own name. Check the owner of the omain name if in doubt.
Does the page have overall integrity and reliability as a source?
What's the purpose of the page? Why was it created? To inform or explain? For facts or data? To persuade or promote? To sell, share and disclose? Or simply to rant or entice? Who else links to the page? Where is it "cited"? What do they think of its quality and integrity?
What's the Catch?
Remember advertisers can also be sponsors.
Who sponsors the page? Might the sponsors have a vested interest in the viewpoint presented? Look for links to Sponsors, About us, Philosophy, etc. Could the points of view be constrained or bent to keep or attract advertisers?
Could the page or site be a comical site?
Think about the tone of the page. Is it humorous, satirical, exaggerated or express overblown arguments? Does it contain outrageous photographs or juxtapositions of unlikely images? How about arguing a viewpoint with examples that suggest what is argued is ultimately not possible.
Perform all the other tests above on the page, and, if you do not find other information to explain the tone, question whether the page is an irony that you might feel foolish to cite as if it were factual or straightforward.
Related Links
The Lab's search page
ABC Online search engine
University of Sydney Library - Searching the Internet
Monash University - How to do research on the Internet
RMIT - Searching the Internet
ANU - Search Engines on the Internet
The University of Southern Queensland - Searching the Internet
Curtin Universtiy - Searching for Information on the Web: Starting Points
Adelaide University - Search engines
Northern Territory University - Searching the Internet
Published 21/3/2002
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